Dachshunds 1:6 Scale Joy Beckner’s 1:6 Scale Miniature Dachshund Sculptures of Bronze Each may be ordered in Sterling Silver. "Deli's Open" Long 1:6 Scale DachshundLong 1:6 Scale"A Good Life" Smooth 1:6 Scale"So Good to See You" Wire 1:6 Scale"A Good Life" Wire 1:6 Scale"Sweet Roll" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Cozy" Long 1:6 ScaleLong 1:6 Scale"Dreaming of Tomatoes" Long 1:6 scale"Cozy" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Deli's Open" Wire 1:6 Scale"Sunnyside Up" Wire 1:6 Scale"Dreaming of Tomatoes" SmoothSterling Silver Dachshund sculpture by Joy Beckner"Life's a Ball!" Long 1:6 ScaleLong 1:6 Scale"Life is Good" Wire 1:6 Scale"Life is Good" Long 1:6 Scale"Squirrel Season" Long 1:6 Scale"So Good to See You" Long 1:6 Scale"Cozy" Wire a 1:6 scale"Life's a Ball!" Smooth"Life's a Ball" Smooth 1:6 Scale Dachshund sculpture"Sweet Dreams II" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Life's a Ball!" Wire 1:6 ScaleWire 1:6 Scale"Siesta" 1:6 Scale Long"Pals" Wire 1:6 Scale"Deli's Open" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Sunnyside Up" Smooth. Joy Beckner Photography"Sunnyside Up" Sterling Silver Dachshund Sculpture by Joy Beckner"All in the Family" Group of Six 1:6 Scale"Her Life's a Ball" Smooth 1:6 ScaleSmooth 1:6 Scale, Dachshund Sculpture"So Good to See You" Smooth1:6 Scale bronze Dachshund sculpture"On the Ball" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Sunnyside Up" Smooth 1:6 Scale by Joy BecknerSmooth 1:6 Scale"Siesta" Smooth 1:6 Scale"Pals" Long 1:6 Scale"Dreaming of Tomatoes" Wire 1:6 Scale"Lord of the Couch" Smooth 1:6 ScaleSmooth 1:6 Scale Bronze Dachshund Sculpture"Dreaming of Tomatoes" Smooth 1:6 Scale"A Good Life" Long 1:6 ScaleLong 1:6 Scale, Dachshund Sculpture"Lord of the Couch" Wire 1:6 ScaleWire 1:6 Scale Bronze Dachshund Sculpture"Dream Chasers - Best of Breed"1:6 scale Bronze Sculpture of Dachshunds“Dream Chaser” LongLong 1:6 Scale Bronze Dachshund"Siesta" Wire 1:6 Scale"Life's a Ball!" Wire 1:6 ScaleWire 1:6 Scale, Dachshund Sculpture"Dream Chaser" SmoothSmooth 1:6 Scale by Joy Beckner“Sunnyside Up” Long 1:6 scaleLong 1:6 Scale"Sweet Dreams" 1:6 ScaleSmooth 1:6 Scale"Squirrel Season" Wire 1:6 Scale"Squirrel Season" Smooth 1:6 ScaleSmooth 1:6 Scale"Dream Chaser" WireWire 1:6 Scale by Joy Beckner