“Her Life’s a Ball!” Smooth 1:6 Scale • Joy Beckner

"Her Life's a Ball" Smooth 1:6 Scale Dachshund Sculpture in Bronze by Joy Beckner

1:6 Scale - Fits in a hand
Available for Immediate Acquisition

Awards earned by “Her Life’s a Ball!”

First Place Sculpture/Metal, 29th Annual International Miniature Art Show, Seaside Art Gallery, Nags Head, NC.

Honorable Mention, 88th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature, The Miniature Painters, Sculptors and  Gravers Society of Washington, D.C. (MPSGS)


Awards earned by “Life’s a Ball!” 1:6 Scale – Partial List

First Place, Casper Artists’ Guild, Inc., 12th Annual International Miniature Exhibition. Casper, WY.

Second Place, 3D, Fourth Annual Miniature Show, Blackhawk Gallery, Sarasota, WY.

Third Place, Sculpture, 78th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature, Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington, DC.


“Her Life’s a Ball!”

1:6 Scale, 4 3/4”L x 2 1/4“H x 1 1/2“D • Bronze, Ed. 50 & 5 Artist’s Proofs ©2017

My dear departed Sophie loved balls! She actually loved tennis balls but, if she had been given a ball this size, she’d have made it hers! Since many dachshund girls wear collars with bows, I decided to make “Her Life’s a Ball!” after Sophie, who was known professionally Ch. Rosegate Sophie Tucker. Thank you, Tim and Marilou Callison, for sharing your retired show girl with me.

Originally, my standard, smooth dachshund, Ch. Retdachs Brwneyed Hansomboy, Edgar, inspired the life-sized standard smooth bronze, “Life’s a Ball!” As a puppy, he often played with his Buster Cube™. He would twist and turn his body while trying to wrestle food out of this toy. His contortions, strength and determination fascinated me. The cube evolved into a ball, “On the Ball.” The pup evolved into a “man” and the ball into a bigger ball. Edgar was a happy, outgoing boy; HE inspired the title! “Life’s a Ball!” has earned numerous awards in miniature exhibitions over the years. Now, enjoy “Her Life’s a Ball!”

Crafted in Colorado, USA, by hand, one at a time, each is signed and numbered and each includes my mark, Joy Beckner Bronze Sculptor.


Don Casper Photography


Know more about the Dachshund dog breed