“Sunnyside Up”
“Sunnyside Up” ~ The Original clay. Annette and the first coat of rubber.
Step Two: The MOLD ~ Person Two: The MOLD MAKER
Part One: The RUBBER, First Coat, View One
The best mold, from which numerous waxes can be pulled, (and thus numerous bronzes may be cast) is made of Silicon Rubber. When a sculpture is larger than palm-sized, the mold is made of two parts: One, The Rubber, and Two, The Jacket.
Part One: Layers of silicon rubber are applied to the Original Sculpture over the course of several days, allowing the layers of rubber to cure between coats.
The First Coat of Rubber is the FIRST CRITICAL STEP in replicating my original surfaces. The First Coat MUST be applied with utmost care to avoid bubbles and voids in undercuts.
No. 4
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