“Sunnyside Up”
“Sunnyside Up” ~ Mold Front, Head to Right. ~ Step Three: The WAX ~ Person Three: The WAX PERSON
Part One: The WAX POUR, Coat One
The Wax Person, in more cases than not, is an individual who specializes in pouring waxes. I am fortunate in that my mold maker has chosen to also pour my waxes. She is an expert at both procedures. Liquid Wax is brushed, ladled or poured into the warmed mold. Note the ear with a thin coat of wax at the lower right of the mold. The First Coat of Wax is the SECOND CRITICAL STEP necessary to replicate my intricate grooved surfaces; the wax and the mold must each be an ideal temperature so that the wax slides into each little groove resulting in minimum air bubbles.
No. 11
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