Hap Hagood

Born: Talbot B. Hagood Jr.
July 15, 1946 – February 11, 2018

January 14, 2018, a surprise Facebook message from friend and fellow sculptor Hap Hagood, states that he wants me to have one of his carvings. Sadly, he feels he is close to dying and I am honored that he thinks enough of me to give me one of his pieces, but, it’s a very sad day.

Hap and I met in 2003 or 2004 at Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO. He stayed with us on his drive back to Virginia. Since I immediately respected his work, and he lived alone, I occasionally called him to see how he was. Never did I think his last days would include giving me “The Red Dove.” We agreed about many things including the conservation of species and the environment. What a lovely good man.